Thousands of yellow vest protesters take to the streets across France for a 15th weekend running | Daily Mail Online Friday, Mar 1st 2019 6AM 60°F 9AM 59°F 5-Day Forecast Thousands of yellow vest protesters take to the streets across France for a 15th weekend running as they try to re-invigorate supporters while trying to stamp out violence and anti-Semitism in the movement's ranks Hundreds of yellow vest protesters - also known as gilet jaunes - held rallies around Paris and other cities Five separate demonstrations were organized in the French capital, which saw 4,000 protesters by 2 pm Support for the movement has ebbed in recent weeks as it has splintered and outbreaks of violence continue Tempers frayed at the end of the main demonstration next to the Eiffel Tower after police used tear gas By JAMES BILLOT FOR MAILONLINE and AP PUBLISHED: 13:24 EST, 23 February 2019 | UPDATED: 18:29 EST, 23 February 2019 e-mail 1.1k shares 19 View comments Thousands of yellow vest protesters took to the streets across France on Saturday for a 15th straight weekend of demonstrati...