The children who are most noted on the Wikileaks Pedogate dump are those of the Luzzattos. First, who are they and who are they related to? The farm where Mary Podesta and her husband John were invited to for an annual gathering is in Lovettsville, Va ( It is owned by Tamera Stanton Luzzatto and David Leiter, her husband. Tamera kept her previous married name as the widow of Francis Luzzatto, who died October 19, 1999. They were married for three years before his death and had no children from their marriage ( She was the step mother to Benjamin and Marisa Luzzatto, whose mother is Anne Luzzatto. She has also maintained her last name. Benjamin is married with three daughters, who would be the children mentioned in their step-grandmother, Tamera’s email, as being in the hot tub. His book, “The Theory of Everything, Abridged”, is being sold at and mentions the fact that they have three children. Francis Luzzatto was involved in high levels of government, being an officer in AID and program director for Head Start, a program that enrolls children from low-income levels to start school before Kindergarten. His son Benjamin has followed in his late-father’s foot steps, teaching art at the university level and himself an artist who has also made some art for children, like his father as well. He has made some organic “aminals” that children can play with and also dispose of in the earth when done. His other work appears to be with environmental engineering. This can be seen at credit: (Edit is mine because I will not share pictures of any type of child nudity.) This child above is Emerson, the one who was mentioned to be 9 in the Wikileaks email by her step-grandmother. The children’s mother, Alexandra Tydings of former Xena, Warrior Princess fame, who played Aphrodite (, is said to have two children. It is unclear why Maeve is not mentioned, her last child and also mentioned as being in the hot tub. In this story of her home birth of Maeve (, James Alefantis is apparently present for the birth. A more updated picture of her is on her website,, and details some of her recent work. photo credit: All three Luzzatto children with Alefantis, possibly the ones she refers to as “Skip” in her birth story. Tamera’s other step-child, Marisa Luzzatto Neaville, has also had a daughter, by the name of Evelyn( . Tamera put up the now infamous Evie’s crib (, where this infant could be viewed by invited “readers” to get a live stream of her crib. This post that was archived is from November 17, 2009. credit: Evie’s Crib, Tamera Luzzatto has many influential friends and has held important positions, such as being Senator Killary’s chief-of-staff ( Here she is with Heather Podesta, now former wife of Tony Podesta, whose love of the violent art is well-known. Credit: In addition to her job working with the Pew Trust, she is also on a board at the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. Two years after the death of her husband Francis, she married David Leiter. Their wedding was covered in a New York Times article, At the time, he was a VP of a group for a Boston law firm ( According to credible research done by this user on steemit,, the biological grandmother Anne is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. A picture of her with her grandchildren appears to show one or more of Benjamin’s daughters with her in Venice, along with other grandchildren. The article also goes on to give the positions of Tamera’s husband as well. Her name appears on their roster, In this release in 2002, the following announcement was made: Gelb also announced that Anne Luzzatto, Vice President of the Council’s New York Meetings Program, will be Acting Director of the Washington Program for a transitional period. Nancy Bodurtha, Associate Director of Meetings in New York will assume greater operational duties during this interim period in New York. ( The one who was to be the “Uber service” for the step-grandchildren, Bonnie Levin, is a VP at MedStar Health in D.C. ( According to this research, she was also Podesta’s ex-wife (, but have not verified if this information is correct. However, what is speculated is that with her background experience at the Poison Control Center she would have access and knowledge in certain drugs and their effects. On Facebook, there is a connection between Alexandra Tydings Luzzatto, now just Alex Tydings, and Bonnie Levin and Tamara. and Tamera tags Alex in a comment on food, and she also comments on a picture of Bonnie on her page: Tamera Luzzatto November 26, 2012 · Alexandra Tydings Luzzatto Baltimore firm aims to turn food waste into green business Many people see Thanksgiving leftovers as too much of a good thing and toss them out. Vinnie Bevivino wants those uneaten castoffs and more — he sees a chance… Striding past the glistening rows of duty-free liquor, watches and perfume, the two international travellers moved like men who could fight. Richard ''Gelly'' Gelemanovic had broad shoulders and a confident gait, while his companion, convicted heroin trafficker Amad ''Jay'' Malkoun, had a physique honed during his 16-year stint in prison. It was July 3, 2003, and Malkoun was recently out of jail, having gained public notoriety after being charged in 1988 as a key player in the state's biggest drug syndicate, which had been busted with $5.5 million of heroin. Amad 'Jay' Malkoun was described by police as 'a powerful standover man'. The federal police who were secretly watching Malkoun at Melbourne's international airport described him in a report as ''a powerful stand-over man … actively involved in the Melbourne drug trade''. The profession of his travelling companion, the man Jay called ...
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