Daily Mail Discovers Ghislaine Maxwell Burger Joint Pics Photoshopped – That’s Not What the NY Post Claims!
https://ift.tt/30ff2WF The Daily Mail seems to have proven that the Ghislaine Maxwell photos were photoshopped: They write, “Ghislaine Maxwell was snapped for the first time in three years last week, it was claimed a fellow diner had ‘chanced’ upon her at a Los Angeles burger bar. However -“… an advertising agency claimed a poster on a bus shelter behind Ms Maxwell had been photoshopped in. “The socialite is seen in front of a poster for Good Boys, a film that opened in the US on Friday. “But when The Mail on Sunday visited the area on Friday, the bus stop was displaying an advert for a local hospital. “Advertising agency Outfront Media said the hospital ad had been there since July 28 – with Ms. Maxwell said to have been photographed on August 12. “Spokeswoman Carly Zipp said: ‘We think the poster in the Maxwell picture was photoshopped in. “We checked… and we have no evidence or record of Good Boys ever being there… “Others question why Ms. Maxwell, who appears to have restyled her hair between snaps, spent long enough at the burger bar for the customers behind her to change twice, yet her food remains untouched and she never puts a straw in either drink. “One suggestion is the pictures were staged to throw people off her scent. A legal source said: ‘The FBI wants to talk to her and a lot of lawyers are trying to find her. Perhaps this whole photo at the burger joint is set up.'” *** Good Boys poster [upper right] is photoshopped in – it would appear – to make this picture seem to have been taken last week – since the movie opened recently. But the ad agency said no such poster was ever there. OK…So far so good – by why didn’t the New York Post disclose the source of their pictures to readers in their original story? They wrote the story as if they had been on the scene – they even quoted Maxwell on the scene as if they had actually caught up with Maxwell. The Post endorsed the pictures as authentic. The Post wrote – “The Post found the socialite hiding in plain sight in the least likely place imaginable — a fast-food joint in Los Angeles… Sitting alone with a pet pooch, she was surprised to have been found and told an onlooker, ‘Well, I guess this is the last time I’ll be eating here!’” So the Post said they “found her.” And the Post quoted Maxwell on the scene, yet used an evidently photoshopped picture – photoshopped seemingly to mislead viewers as to the date the picture was taken. What is the reason for this? Who was on the scene [at In-N-Out in Los Angeles] that actually heard Maxwell say, “Well, I guess this is the last time I’ll be eating here!”? Who took the photos for the Post? Usually, photographers get photo credit for their work. There was none given by the Post. While the Daily Mail rightly reports that the photos have been likely altered to mislead on the date, they seem to have jumped to the hasty conclusion that Maxwell pulled this stunt of fooling the Post all by herself. That seems deeply improbable. The Post is not so easily fooled where they would run pictures like this if submitted by Maxwell [or one of her friends] without further verification. They would not quote her without some evidence that she was there. No, she could not have fooled them so easily. They either had to cooperate with the deception or got their information from a more trusted source than the nation’s most hated woman – who may be in deep legal trouble and could be a fugitive from justice now or very shortly. No, the NY Post would not have staked their reputation on a pic submitted by or on behalf of a dangerous and wanted person. The Daily Mail seems to think the FBI is looking for Maxwell and that the FBI does not know where she is and that maybe Maxwell fooled the Post to put the FBI off her scent. I think that is also deeply improbable. It seems likely that the FBI knows just where Maxwell is. And the Post – that somehow got the suspicious “dead Epstein” pictures – are working with someone or some agency a little more powerful than Ghislaine Maxwell. Just like they did with Ghislaine Maxwell – the Post rather amazingly got the dead Epstein pictures. The New York Post publicly and it seems misleadingly authenticated the Ghislaine Maxwell pictures – even dating them for us. [Aug 12, 2019]. Now, we learn that the photos were photoshopped since the Good Boys poster was not there [the poster that dates the pictures.] Someone or some people at the NY Post seem to be on this misdirection. I find it hard to believe they were merely fooled. Who else is in on this? I find it hard to believe that this is just Ghislaine Maxwell fooling the Post – unless, of course, she has something on someone at the Post. What seems more probable is that the Post is cooperating with some agency or some group – other than just Maxwell – to misdirect the public as to the true whereabouts of Ghislaine Maxwell. The question is why? And is Ghislaine Maxwell still alive?
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