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Adam Schiff (with Nancy Pelosi) Used Ukrainian Arms Dealer Igor Pasternak to Host and Fundraise for Schiff’s Congressional Election Running for Congress? Short on cash or donations? No need to worry. Now, you too can finance your entire campaign through Ukrainian arms dealers. Igor, for example, will even host the fundraising events in his $2+ million Washington DC brownstone (just one of several such houses he owns in the US). Igor will even provide the catering and valet parking free of charge. Image 1: Igor Pasternak’s luxury home in DC where in 2013 Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi used Igor Pasternak to host and fundraise for Schiff’s congressional election And the best part is that you never have to worry about paying him back for any of these favors, because it’s all absolutely free, no strings attached. After all, everyone knows that Ukrainian arms dealers float the election campaign of congressional candidates like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Loretta Sanchez, because they are just so cuddly and lovable. If you don’t buy any of this, then the following Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and Alexandra Chalupa linkage below agrees with you. Image 2: Where is Igor? Using the Sentinel AI based face recognition to locate an arms dealer in a crowed of 500K people Image 3: How a Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Paternak floated Adam Schiff’s 2013 election to Congress and Paternak’s linkage to Nancy Pelosi Ukrainian influence network in the US. Image 4: Notes from the desk of Yaroslav Brisiuck’s the Ukrainain Chargé d’affaires in Washington DC suggest that Alexandra Chalupa could be a long term Ukrainian intelligence asset Image 5: Alexandra Chalupa, Melanne Verveer, and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur’s Ukraine linkages. Chalupa held multiple intelligence briefing and debriefing sessions regarding president Trump with Okana Shulyar and other Ukrainian embassy staff. Image 6: Alexandra Chalupe with a small sampling of friends like Michael Avantti, Linda Sarsour, and Andrew McCabe, and their on-going activity to impeach president Trump References The Mechanics of Deception – The Network, Actors, and Genesis of the Steele Dossier Gigapixel source: CNN Trump Inauguration Copyright Yaacov Apelbaum 2019


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