Meal delivery service DoorDash said on Thursday a data breach may have led to information related to 4.9 million customers, delivery executives and restaurants being leaked. The data was accessed by a third-party service provider on May 4, the company said on a blog post. The last four digits of payment cards for some consumers and the last four digits of the bank account numbers for some delivery executives and restaurants may have been leaked. The data may have also included profile information such as names, emails, delivery addresses, phone numbers, as well as the driver’s license numbers of nearly 100,000 delivery executives. The San Francisco-based company got to know of the breach earlier this month and said it was investigating the incident. Users who had joined after April 5, 2018, were not affected, DoorDash said. Reuters Striding past the glistening rows of duty-free liquor, watches and perfume, the two international travellers moved like men who could fight. Richard ''Gelly'' Gelemanovic had broad shoulders and a confident gait, while his companion, convicted heroin trafficker Amad ''Jay'' Malkoun, had a physique honed during his 16-year stint in prison. It was July 3, 2003, and Malkoun was recently out of jail, having gained public notoriety after being charged in 1988 as a key player in the state's biggest drug syndicate, which had been busted with $5.5 million of heroin. Amad 'Jay' Malkoun was described by police as 'a powerful standover man'. The federal police who were secretly watching Malkoun at Melbourne's international airport described him in a report as ''a powerful stand-over man … actively involved in the Melbourne drug trade''. The profession of his travelling companion, the man Jay called ...
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